Tag Archives: mofaz

The Current Political Picture In Israel

UPDATE 10 am Israel time Sunday: At 6:30 this morning, Israeli motorists near Ma’ale Shomron in Samaria came under fire from Palestinian terrorists. Fortunately there were no physical injuries. Security forces search the area for several hours, but the terrorists … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged arab parties, bailed out, Barak, bibi, booth, budget, coalition, current, early elections, exemptions, haaretz, hag sameach, IDF, idf suckers, independence, Israel, isreal, justice, kadima, Knesset, likud, livni, maale shomron, meretz, mofaz, national union, Netanyahu, october 2013, Palestinian, palm branches, passed, photo ops, politics, popularity, religious, resigned, Samaria, shas, shelly, slogan, social, state, students, sukka, sukkot, tal law, terrorists, the common man, tzipi livni, united nations, united torah, woman, yachimovich, yair lapid, yesh atid, yeshiva, yisrael beiteinu | Comments Off on The Current Political Picture In Israel