Tag Archives: Molotov kites

Iranian Nukes? Mazen Apology? Palestinian Peace Partners? Trumpian Peace Proposal? Temple Mount Sovereignty? NIF Explanation? Livni Hypocrisy?

19 Iyar 5778 4 May 2018   TODAY’S BLOG: Iranian Nukes? Mazen Apology? Palestinian Peace Partners? Trumpian Peace Proposal? Temple Mount Sovereignty? NIF Explanation? Livni Hypocrisy?   The Dangerous Pictures of the Day: ImageSAT International (ISI) has released satellite photos of … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged abu dis, Abu Mazen, adalah, amnesty international, barack obama, collude, fordow, Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, globetrotting jet-setter wannabe, hawara, heinous crime, hevron, hizma, holocaust, Holocaust was great exaggerated, human error, ImageSAT International, in arabic, in english, international arms embargo against Israel, international consortium, Iranian Nukes, islamic wakf, israel police, issawiya, Jabal Mukaber, jewish quarter, Jews caused the Holocaust, john kerry, karmei tzur, kiryat arba, Livni Hypocrisy, Mahmoud Abbas, Mazen Apology, Molotov kites, new israel fund, NIF Explanation, non starter, nuclear, old city of jerusalem, Palestinian Peace Partners, Palestinians have two states, pathetic anti-Semite, plutonium facility, qalandiya, Qom, road 443, shuafat, tekoa, temple mount, Temple Mount Sovereignty, The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel, Trumpian Peace Proposal, Turmus’aya, unfurled an Israeli flag, western wall | Comments Off on Iranian Nukes? Mazen Apology? Palestinian Peace Partners? Trumpian Peace Proposal? Temple Mount Sovereignty? NIF Explanation? Livni Hypocrisy?