Tag Archives: moral high ground

“For what is a man, what has he got?”

UPDATES 10 am Israel time, Tuesday, November 26 2013: ** In a virtually unreported piece of news yesterday, there are wide discrepancies between “the English version” of the agreement reached in Geneva with Iran, and “the Farsi version” being circulated … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 90 days, act more, activist, amercan star, and not the words of one who kneels, anti israel ngo, arm twisted, avigdor lieberman, buddies, Catherine Ashton, China, comments, crashed, cretinous, daniel siedemann, delegitimize this country, demeaned himself, demeaned israel, depths, driver side window, earth to livni, Egypt, Egypt is focused on Egypt, english version, Erdogan, excluded israel, expressing regrets, fading in the middle east, farsi version, For what is a man, frank sinatra, gash, general sisi, geneva, Gulf countries are all focused on Syria and Iran, handshakes, hugs, iaea, If not himself, ihh terrorist ship, includes no references to schedules and commitments, input, intimate embrace, ir amin, iran, iranian born, iranian foreign ministry, Israel, Israeli, israeli advisors, israeli intelligence sources, israeli palestinian negotiations, israels best interest, isreal, john kerry, june, kicked him out, kisses, Lebanon is focused on Syria, left-wing, less fixated on washington dc, let the chips fall where they may, like egypt, Mada, mavi marmara, medical treatment, moral high ground, more than one version, Muslim Brotherhood, my way, name and shame, Netanyahu, no Iranian pledge not to install new "next-generation" centrifuges, no mention of freezing anything, No more kowtowing to the likes of the European Union and the United Nations, no more trying to placate the Obama Administration at every turn, no more vacillating and trying to be politically correct, no time limit, nobody cares, nuclear arms deal, obamas duplicity, obamas lapdog, oman, palestinian settlement, Palestinians, pathetic sop, persona non grata, preening, President obama, proudly act, radical, rock, russia, Saudi Arabia, self dignity, smiles, Solving the conflict with the Palestinians would enable a united front with Arab countries against Iran, stitched up, sur baher, Syria is focused on Syria, talk less, The record shows I took the blows and did it my way, then he has naught, three months, throughout the united states, To say the things he truly feels, turkish ambassador, tzipi livnis, unbelievable friends, us congress, valerie jarrett, Walk softly and carry a big stick, washington, what has he got, when was the last time you heard any Arab government focus on "its conflict with Israel", whit, wide discrepances, william hague, wounded | Comments Off on “For what is a man, what has he got?”