Tag Archives: most expensive

The Iranian Debacle, The Flytilla, And The Cost Of An Israeli Big Mac

UPDATE (10 pm Sunday): Qassam rocket fired by terrorists in Gaza strikes near Sha’ar Hanegev in southern Israel 20 minutes ago. UPDATE (7 pm Sunday): No terrorist events reported in Israel in the last 24 hours. TWO FOLLOW-UPS: Yesterday your … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 13th, activists, against the dollar, appeasement, Australia, big mac, big mac index, brazil, britain, broaden, burger, burgernomics, burning tires, buy more time, Canada, China, cost, debacle, demonstrators, dismantle, editorial, enrichment, euro area, events, exchange rates, facility, flowers, flytilla, foreign occupation, freebie, gift, give, haaritz, human rights, india, invite, iran, iranian, Israel, israeli government, isreal, Istanbul, Japan, lower, meals, most expensive, Netanyahu, nonviolent, nuclear, nuclear weapons, Palestinian, parity, peace, play, powers, praise, price, price range, prime minister, production, program, protest, purchasing power, Qom, respects, russia, self-proclaimed, suckers, swiss franc, Switzerland, territories, terrorist, the economist, three cheers, throw rocks, turkey, undervalued, united states, update, uranium, violent, welcome, west | Comments Off on The Iranian Debacle, The Flytilla, And The Cost Of An Israeli Big Mac