Tag Archives: movement for the establishment of the temple

Palestinian Muslims And the Jerusalem Police: Hastening Jewish Return To The Temple Mount

UPDATE 11 am Israel time Saturday: Fridays are always violent in Israel. As the imams at Muslim mosques end their Friday services around 1 pm, they encourage those in attendance to go out and attack Israelis wherever they can find … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged activists, al aqsa mosque, alarms, animal sacrifices, arabs, arabs stone police on temple mount, aryeh eldad, assaulted, attack, belz, belzer, border guards, bulldozer, burning tires, can you believe, checkpoint, closed for the day, compound, crowd control, dome of the rock, fridays, friends of the temple, grant for peace, hasidic, hastening, holiest place, human rights, Iceland, IDF, imams, impunity, instigators, international, irony, islamic wakf, israelis, Jerusalem, jerusalem police, Jew, Jewish, jewish presence, jews should be allowed to pray on the temple mount, judaism, Knesset, kotel, lady gaga, lennonono, levite guards, messiah, missiles, mobile altar, mortars, moshiach, mosques, movement for the establishment of the temple, mughrabi gate, muslim, nabi saleh, nablus, national union, no harm, notoriety, Palestinians, plaza, posthumously, pray, profound, pussy riot, rabbis, rachel corrie, reinstitution, return, reykjavik, right-wing, rioters, rocks, sanhedrin, shechem, star wars, temple institute in the old city, temple mount, temple mount faithful, temple priesthood, terrorists, theater of the absurd, third jewish temple, thwart, violent, womens forum for the temple, yediot aharonot, yosef elboim | Comments Off on Palestinian Muslims And the Jerusalem Police: Hastening Jewish Return To The Temple Mount