Tag Archives: Muslim Brotherhood

Israel’s Support Of Hamas Comes Out Of The Closet

UPDATES 9 am Israel time, Thursday, September 26 2013: *Another day and evening of “rock” throwing riots on the Temple Mount with police entering the Al-Aksa Mosque to try to arrest the “rock” throwers. Yesterday afternoon, a family driving on … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 1 every 2 days, 7 times, Abbas, absurd idea, al-aksa, bald faced lie, befriend hamas, borders, Cairo, can you even believe this, clean israeli shekels, closed down, comes out of the closet, concessions, conspiracy theory, construction materials, dedicated, doubling the water supply, ease off, Egypt, egyptian policemen, fanciful, forcing israel to make, frank lowenstein, Gaza, gaza is under israeli control, generals in egypt, goddess of peace, great lengths, hadassah, hamas, hamas attack israel, hamas operatives, hassan rouhani, help it rearm, hit us even harder, hook line and sinker, hundreds of millions of dirty dollars, intensified terrorism, islamist movement, ismailiya, Israel, israel never learns from history, israels destruction, isreal, J Street, john kerry, killed, know how, launches, laundering, likely, livni, lovefest, martin indyk, means, missiles, molcho, mortars, mosque, mt. of olives, Muslim Brotherhood, Netanyahu, newspaper, next time, no alternative, not retaliating, Obama, official confirmation, operating seminars, palatable, Palestinians, partners for peace, party line, praise hamas, prelude to oslo, prop up hamas, reinforce, revile, rock throwing, saeb erekat, sami turgeman, secret talks, security arrangements, severing diplomatic relations, shaking their heads, sovereign power, sporadic rocket fire, suitcase, support, temple mount, terrified, turkey, two decades, two tracks, united nations, utter disbelief, water, What the Netanyahu government just cannot grasp is how any assistance at all reinforces the idea in the world's mind that Israel "occupies" the "West Bank" and Gaza, work permits, wounded, yasser arafat, yuval steinetz | Comments Off on Israel’s Support Of Hamas Comes Out Of The Closet