Tag Archives: near the Tapuach Junction

Hatikvah in Abu Dhabi!

20 Cheshvan 5779 29 October 2018   Notice of the Day: Which is precisely what demonstrators did this morning–close the Kerem Shalom Crossing for a brief time as they demonstrated against the helplessness of our Netanyahu government in fighting Hamas and Islamic … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged abu dhabi, azzun, beit ummar, casse, daylight savings time, demonstration, election day, galant, gold medal, grand slam, hamas ultimatum, hatikvah, high school, hot air, Israel, israeli flag, It may be true or it may not be true, Jerusalem, judo, judoka, khamza, kindergarten, lightweight, near the Tapuach Junction, nilin, north of Ofra, politicians, Route 465 near Deir Abu Mash’al, sagi mugi, sderot, shaar hanagev, steinetz, tekoa, The Gush Etzion Road near Halhul, We are not going to war because of one rocket, Yehuda Farm | Comments Off on Hatikvah in Abu Dhabi!