Tag Archives: nebi elias

Abu Mazen: Once An Anti-Semite, Always An Anti-Semite

17 Iyar 5778 2 May 2018   THANK YOU! 412,720. That is the number of hits that israelstreet received in April–one of our highest monthly totals ever! Your humble servant deeply thanks all of you dear readers for your support and … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged $500 payment, Abu Mazen, Abu Mazen reached a new low, al khader, anti semite, Ashkenazi Jews are Turkish, at the Tunnels Checkpoint to Jerusalem, Auja in the Jordan Valley, azzun, begging Israeli soldiers to shoot him, behavior, caused by zionists, civil administration, colonial enterprise, david friedman, Democratic Party in the United States, european union, gobble it up, greatly exaggerated, hevron, hits, hizma, holocaust, incitement to violence, individual land ownership, Israel, israelstreet, jews, land fraud, Mahmoud Abbas, milquetoast, Mishla, Molotov loaded kites, monthly stipend from Hamas, munich massacre, nebi elias, no anti-Semitism, no historical connection to Palestine, no such things as jews, olympic athletes, Ottoman Empire’s land registry, Palestinian Parliament, palestinian terror, partner for peace, Patrice Lumumba University, plo, plo chairman, policea peace without jews, preserve European interests, president trump, run over, saying all his life, social, tekoa, terrorist attacks, the Horseshoe Junction in Binyamin, throughout Gush Etzion, turkey, two state solution, unelected Palestinian dictator | Comments Off on Abu Mazen: Once An Anti-Semite, Always An Anti-Semite