Tag Archives: never contributed

UNICEF and the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child: Propaganda Tools of the PLO and Hamas

UPDATES 9 am Israel time Friday: *It didn’t take long. Rami Hamdallah, the new, unelected Prime Minister of the PLO/Palestinian Authority has resigned after less than a month on the job. Apparently Hamdallah ran afoul of dictatorial, unelected, PLO/PA chairman … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 18 independent experts, 20 minutes later, a cent, bamboo shoots, beaten, beit orot, candy, committee on the rights of the child, dictatorial, eastern jerusalem, electric cattle prods, errantly fired, fingernails, Gaza, gazan children, halloween, hamas rockets, handcuffed, ieds, in tandem with, interrogates prisoners in hebrew, israeli custody, jews, killed, kirsten sandberg, lenient sentences, Mahmoud Abbas, molotov cocktails, never contributed, norwegian, orange boxes, plo, police, rami hamdallah, rocket launchers, safety, shoot, solitary confinement, stab, summer camps, theater of the absurd, throwing stones, trick or treaters, two jewish men, unelected, unicef, whipped | Comments Off on UNICEF and the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child: Propaganda Tools of the PLO and Hamas