Tag Archives: neville chamberlain

We Live In An Age Of Chamberlains

UPDATES 10 am Israel time, Thursday, October 17 2013: **Between September 15 and October 15, the following terrorism took place in Judea and Samaria (totals were compiled by “Operation Rescue in Judea and Samaria”–the grass-roots organization to which residents living … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 10 downing street, a decade ago, against circumcision, and here is the paper which bears his name upon it as well as mine, appeased hitler, appeasement, automatically, Berlin, boycotting, british airways, calls, cheering throng, chof ashkelon, czechoslovakia, dismantling, echoes, eu3, europeans, false alarm, fascism, fireworks, from the bottom of our hearts, Gaza, geneva, go home and get a nice quiet sleep, google play, grass roots, haifa, hamas, hebrew, Herr Hitler, hitler, i believe it is peace in our time, in my view, iran, iranian nuclear weapons program, Israel, israelis, israelis were wounded, isreal, jay carney, jewish products, judea and samaria, kill israeli children, kosher slaughter, launched, lexifone, massacre, meeting, molotov cocktails, nazi, neville chamberlain, only the prelude to a larger settlement in which all Europe may find peace, operation rescue, optimism and hope, p5+1, palestinian terrorists, peace with honor, phone app, portuguese, President obama, resolutions and laws, revolutionary guards, rocket, rocks, september 30 1938, sordid story, spanish, sweep the iranian nuclear problem under the rug, symbolic of the desire of our two peoples never to go to war with one another again, Syria, syrian civilians, tarmac, The Iranian proposal was a new proposal with a level of seriousness and substance that we had not seen before, The settlement of the Czechoslovakian problem, This morning I had another talk with the German Chancellor, three israelis were killed, translate, translate tab, we are living in the 1930s again, we live in an age of chamberlains, we thank you, west, west is desperate to appease iran, which has now been achieved is, white house spokesman | Comments Off on We Live In An Age Of Chamberlains