Tag Archives: new election

The New Year’s Timeline: Election and Indictments?

28-29 Elul 5779 28-29 September 2019   SHANA TOVAH! Happy New Year! We here at OneIsrael hope that the new year, 5780, which begins tonight at sundown brings you health, happiness, and prosperity! Special Notice All crossings into and out … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 1000, 2000, 4000, 5780, apples, blue and white, breach of trust, bribery, cases, deadline, election, failure to form a coalition, fraud, fund-raising campaign, gantz, hell-bent on new elections, honey, hop over the fence, IDF is spread too thinly, indictments, Israel, israel defense forces, kahol levan, likud, mandelblit, mission, murderers, Netanyahu, new election, new knesset, oneisrael, popular front front for the liberation of palestine, rina sherb, sundown | Comments Off on The New Year’s Timeline: Election and Indictments?