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Tunisia: The Absurdity of a “Moderate” Islamist Victory

UPDATE: Israel Defense Forces arrested 10 Palestinians on charges of terrorism in Judea and Samaria overnight near Shechem (Nablus), Ramallah, and Hebron. When will people in the West ever stop believing what Islamists tell them–especially what they tell them about Islam? … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged absurd, absurdity, agenda, alcohol, allowed, arab, arabic, bell, blasphemy, brotherhood, center, count, culture, defense, disguise, diversity, does, Egypt, election, ennahda, exist, forces, founder, Ghannouchi, ghannoushi, gods, hevron, Hezbollah, IDF, islam, islamic, islamist, Israel, Israeli, Judea, koran, majority, military, moderate, muslim, nablus, new, next, not, official, palestine, Palestinian, party, pluralism, plurality, popular, profanity, progressive, quran, radical, ramallah, religious, restrictions, ring, salafi, Samaria, shechem, songs, spring, takeover, terrorism, terrorist, times, Tunisia, tunisian, unofficial, update, victory, votes, wear, west, women, work together, york | Comments Off on Tunisia: The Absurdity of a “Moderate” Islamist Victory