Tag Archives: nitzan alon no security

The Outrageous Olmert Peace Plan Revisited

UPDATES 7:00 pm Israel time Friday: Hundreds of posters proclaiming “Nitzan Alon No Security” have popped up all along Route 60 in Judea and Samaria in the last 24 hours. General Alon is the commander of the IDF Central Command, … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 100000 jews, 5.8%, destruction, deteriorate, eliminate israel, ethnically cleanse, gave up, hebron to gaza, idf central command, idf spokesman, Israel, isreal, Jerusalem, jew free palestine, jewish state, john kerry, jordan, judea and samaria, Mahmoud Abbas, molotov cocktails, napkin map, Netanyahu, never responded, nitzan alon no security, olmert peace plan, outrageous, palestine, peace, posters, preserves the security, ramallah, refuses to accept it, return 5000 palestinian refugees, route 60, safe passage, Saudi Arabia, september 16 2008, sole israeli sovereignty, temple mount, united states, walla news, yoav mordechai | Comments Off on The Outrageous Olmert Peace Plan Revisited