Tag Archives: north america

The Mosque ‘Loud Speaker System’ Controversy In Israel

UPDATE: An Israeli security guard has been stabbed by a Palestinian terrorist in Maaleh Adumim–a large neighborhood of Jerusalem. No other details. TODAY’S BLOG As you may remember, dear reader, your humble servant spent some time in Albania during this … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 10db(A), adumim, albania, anastassia, annoyed, asia, blare, boundary, children, christian, conservative, december 17 1992, deported, disturb, elderly, environmental, europe, family, freedom of religion, galilee, haifa, india, Indonesia, islamic jihad, islamists, Israel, Israeli, isreal, Jerusalem, koran, laws, Lebanon, left, loud speaker, maaleh, message, michaeli, minarets, mosque, muezzine, negev, neighborhood, nighmare, noise, north america, nuisance, ordinances, ostentatious, Palestinian, permet, place, public, public address, quoran, racist, recording, Saudi Arabia, security guard, sick, sleep, south america, southern, stab, supreme court, system, terrorist, undemocratic, wahhabis | Comments Off on The Mosque ‘Loud Speaker System’ Controversy In Israel