Tag Archives: north korea

The Bad Joke That Is Iran and North Korea

4 Tishrei 5778 24 September 2017  The News On the Israel Street A new year . . . the same old Palestinian terrorism . . . As suggested by the picture above, there were numerous “rock” and Molotov attacks throughout Judea … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 87%, arab peace initiative, assassinated, ballistic missiles, bodyguard, canard, cucumbers, dome of the rock, false Palestinian history, Hezbollah, if you just repeat a falsehood over and over, iran, Israel, israeli salad, kipat hasela, Mohammad Hassan Nami, Nasrallah, north korea, nuclear weapons, Palestinians, people will begin to think it is true, prices, religious discrimination, Rescue 443, Rescue Samaria, Saudi Arabia, skyrocketing, steps, Syria, temple mount, tomatoes | Comments Off on The Bad Joke That Is Iran and North Korea