Tag Archives: northern samaria

The Israeli Government Turns Over A Jew-Free Homesh To the PLO/PA

UPDATES 11 am Israel time, Monday, September 16 2013: **The latest from Syria this morning is a declaration of victory. Speaking to the Russian news agency RIA Novosti, Syrian Minister of State Ali Haidar said: [The deal] is a victory … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 16 knesset members, 2005, a prelude of what is to come, a victory for syria, ali haidar, anti-semitic, area c, ariel sharon, artillery, assaults, bombing, can you believe this, chemical weapons convention, chumash, clouds of smoke, control, declaration of victory, dimona, eviction, follow syrias lead, full-scale, ganim, gassing, Gaza, government, Hadera, haifa, homesh, Israel, Israeli, israeli civilian, isreal, Jenin, jew free, jewish communities, jews, john kerry, join the chorus, kadim, kalkiliya, latakia, legal advisor, lumped, Mahmoud Abbas, military, minister of state, more concessions, Netanyahu, northern samaria, one hell of a sound bite, pa, pleas, plo, property, quest, rant, recover, renewed pressure, residents, ria novosti, rogue arab state, russian news agency, sa nur, satellite imagery, shimon peres, supported, Syria, syrian, syrian army, thanks to our russian friends, tiberias, transferring, tulkarm, turn over, two states, tzipi livni, west bank | Comments Off on The Israeli Government Turns Over A Jew-Free Homesh To the PLO/PA