Tag Archives: observations

The Egyptian Presidential Elections: Preliminary Observations

UPDATE: 7 pm Israel time Friday. Last night Palestinian vandals painted swastikas, Palestinian flags, and “Palestine Is Ours” all over the ancient (6th century) Naaran Synagogue near Jericho which is famed for its beautiful floor mosaic. It was reported this … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 27, abdel fotouh, ahmed shafiq, amr moussa, ancient, arab league, bankruptcy, Cairo, crime, destabilization, disenchantment, economy, Egypt, egyptian, enriching, fascinating, flags, foreign minister, give, giza, half the vote, hamdeen sabahi, investigators, iran, islam, islamist, jericho, june 16 17, legislative elections, mid-june, mohammed mursi, morsi, mosaic floor, mubarak, Muslim Brotherhood, naaran, nasser, not aligned, nuclear program, observations, observers, official vote, paint, palestinan, palestine is ours, polls, poor, poor result, presidential election, prime minister, public services, regime, results, run off, salafist, secretary general, socialist, society, swastikas, synagogue, tally, terrorists, update, uranium, vandals, west, youth | Comments Off on The Egyptian Presidential Elections: Preliminary Observations