Tag Archives: october

The Situation Is ‘Back To Normal’ In Israel’s South: Only 3 Qassams and Six Mortars So Far Today

UPDATE (11:00 pm Tuesday): Make that 8 rockets and 8 mortars. (10:47): Another alarm for Netivot; (10:41) Grad rocket hits Netivot; (9:43) Mortar fired at Eshkol region. Picture below is a section of the Grad rocket that just hit Netivot: … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged abu ahmed, again, aharonovich, al-Zahar, assassination, august, back, ball is in israel's court, barrages, beersheba, benny gantz, bluster, boast, bravado, carry out, ceasefire, continued, current, daily routine, deafening, disrupted, education, failure, for a fight, Gaza, gideon, hamas, harder, IDF, iron dome, islamic, Israel, isreal, jihad, learn lessons, mahmoud, make matters, military, minister, more painful, mortar, normal, not interested, not over until it's over, october, qassam, quiet answered with quiet, randomly, rate, round, saar, situation, south, sovereign, spokesman, state, statements, still following, stomach, success, supposed, targeted, terror leaders, terrorists, they stop firing, today, update, violence, we stop firing, wing, won, worse, yitzhak, zionists | Comments Off on The Situation Is ‘Back To Normal’ In Israel’s South: Only 3 Qassams and Six Mortars So Far Today