Tag Archives: on the Gaza border

The Misplaced Police Obsession With The “Hilltop Youth”

Yom Shleshee, Tuesday 14 Tevet, 5781 December 29, 2020   Video of the Afternoon Click here to see what was happening at a spring in Ein Gedi yesterday. The park is closed because of Corona (except for park rangers who recorded the … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged another missile attack, another night, ariel sharon, Corona, covid 19, distrust, ein gedi, esther horgan, explosive events that might ignite the area, gaffe of the week, hilltop youth, in judea and samaria, Israel, israeli democracy, Kerem Shalom, king david, Morocco, normalization, number 1 in the world, on the Gaza border, religious zionists, sandak, sendak, temple mount, vaccination, video of the afternoon, western sahara | Comments Off on The Misplaced Police Obsession With The “Hilltop Youth”