Tag Archives: organizations

Israel Finally Terminates Its “Relationship” With The United Nations “Human Rights” Council (UNHRC)

UPDATE (6:00 pm Monday): Palestinian terrorists assault IDF soldiers with rocks near Ramallah. TODAY’S BLOG: Leave it to Israel Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman to finally get it right. In an Israeli diplomatic world often characterized by limp responses and hollow … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 47 members, africa, Angola, answer, anti-Israel, appear, applauded, asia, assault, assist, Austria, bangladesh, Belgium, Benin, between 2006 and 2010, blatant, Botswana, Burkina Faso, call on the carpet, calls, Cameroon, Chile, China, community, condemn israel, Congo, costa rica, council, cut all ties, Czech Republic, disarm, Djibouti, Ecuador, excuse for, foreign minister, get it right, guatemala, hollow threats, human rights, human rights abuses, Hungary, IDF, india, Indonesia, infringe, Israel, isreal, Italy, Jewish, jordan, Judea, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, libya, lieberman, limp, Malaysia, Maldives, massacre, Mauritania, Mauritius, members, mexico, Moldova, Nigeria, no longer, norway, on the planet, organizations, overdue, Palestinian, pathetic, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, ramallah, relationship, resolutions, responses, review, ridicule, rights, rocks, Romania, russia, Samaria, Saudi Arabia, senegal, settler, soldiers, Spain, Switzerland, Syria, terminates, terrorists, Thailand, U.N., u.s., Uganda, united nations, Uruguay, violence, virulent, visit, west bank, worst | Comments Off on Israel Finally Terminates Its “Relationship” With The United Nations “Human Rights” Council (UNHRC)