Tag Archives: outrageous

Israel Sends Fuel To Hamas Gaza: What In The World Is Going On?

All Times Israel Time UPDATE (6:00 pm Friday): Palestinian Hamas terrorist missiles fired at Ashkelon Chof region last night. “Rock” throwing at Israeli motorists in Judea and Samaria today. TODAY’S BLOG: Do you ever have one of those moments, dear … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 450000, activities, approved, ashkelon, believe me, cheaper, children, chof, coordinator, dear reader, diesel, dire situation, doubts, Egypt, eitan dangot, entity, fuel, full capacity, Gaza, general, gesture, government, half a decade, hamas, hell, homes, hospitals, humanitarian, humble servant, if it is, infuriated, international, is going on, Israel, Israeli, isreal, isreali, Judea, kill, legitimate, liters, logic, major, market, men, missiles, moment, motorists, not nearly as, oil, operate, opinion, outrageous, Palestinian, paternalistic, pay, plant, play, portrayed, power, price, pulled out, qassams, randomly, refuse, region, responsibility, ridiculous, rock, rockets, rot, rot in hell, sale, Samaria, shake your head, smuggling, so what, stop, supply, territories, terrorists, thousandth, throwing, time, tonight, tunnels, update, victim card, what in the world, women | Comments Off on Israel Sends Fuel To Hamas Gaza: What In The World Is Going On?