Tag Archives: p5+1

The West Caves In As Expected: Iran Is Appeased

UPDATES 9:30 am Israel time, Sunday, November 24 2013: *Lebanese authorities have identified one of the suicide bombers who detonated a car in front of the Iranian Embassy in Beirut several days ago–killing 23 people and wounding more than 150. … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged a new chapter in the old story of appeasement, A promise from Iran, and Iran's petrochemical exports, appeased, appeasement deal, Arak heavy water facility, barack obama, beirut, border, bullied, caves in, centrifuge and production facilities, centrifuges, cost, dancing in the street in tehran, enriched, geneva, gold and precious metals, Hezbollah, Hossein Khalfi, humanitarian restrictions, iaea, influx, international recognition that it has the right to enrich uranium, iran, Iran's auto sector, Iran's Deputy Chief of Atomic Energy Organization, iranian embassy, john kerry, Lebanese, maintain Iran oil sales, manufacture centrifuge parts, muslim, neville chamberlain, neville chamberlains of the west, No dismantling of Arak, No dismantling of centrifuges, no new sanctions will be imposed in the next six months, Not only are centrifuges allowed to continue operating, nuclear program, p5+1, Palestinian, pathetic arrangement, Purdue and Natanz, reactor component and production facilities, reactor storage components, relief from existing sanctions, sidon, southern lebanon, spineless west, still spinning, suicide bombers, sunni, syrians, the Iranians are specifically enabled to produce replacement parts, treatment, two new nuclear power stations, uranium, uranium mines, villages, west, wounded | Comments Off on The West Caves In As Expected: Iran Is Appeased