Tag Archives: palestinan

‘Ceasefire’ in Tatters As Hamas Terrorist Rockets Pound Israel

10:15 pm. FINAL UPDATE FOR THUSDAY. It has been a long day today starting at 5:11 am. this morning with the two explosions from the Hamas terrorist rockets striking Ashkelon. We’ve heard explosions all around us, been rocked by the … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged al-Zahar, ashdod, ashkelon, baby, beersheba, beersheva, cease, facility, fire, Gaza, grad, IDF, injured, iron dome, islamic, jihad, mahmoud, Ofakim, palestinan, palestinian terrorists, red, sderot, sirens, smuggling, sports, tatters, terrorist, tunnel, weapons | Comments Off on ‘Ceasefire’ in Tatters As Hamas Terrorist Rockets Pound Israel