Tag Archives: palestine liberation organization

Israel’s Insane Masochistic Complex

UPDATE 10 am Israel time Monday: “Rock throwing” continued apace throughout Judea and Samaria overnight with Israeli citizens and IDF positions attacked. TODAY’S BLOG: We all know Rita Mae Brown’s famous definition of insanity (often mis-attributed to Albert Einstein): “Insanity … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 100000, a success story, Abbas, albert einstein, anger, area c, begging, behavior, bizarre, building the state of palestine, checkpoints, chinese, complex, conference of presidents of major jewish orgnanizations, corrupt, danny ayalon, de facto, delegitimizes, delegitmized enough, dependent, deputy foreign minister, disaster, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, economic assistance, eitan dangot, european union, families, first class, follow the example, foothold, gestures of peace, guilt, IDF, illegal workers, incites, india, industrial zones, insane, Israel, israeli citizens, israeli economy, isreal, Judea, junkets, loan, lobbying, masochistic, molotov cocktails, murderers, new, new york, oslo, overnight permits, pa, paid lobbyists, palestine liberation organization, palestinian authority, palestinian authority's donor's conference, palestinian economy, pathetic, personal entourage, plo, plo/pa, prime minister, quartet, refuse to negotiate with israel, rejected enough, rejection, removing, risk, rita mae brown, rock throwing, romanian, russia, salam fayyad, salaries, Samaria, self defeating, shoulder the responsibility, spit in our face, stabbing, suicide bombers, temporary permits, territories, terrorism, terrorists, terrorized enough, thai, timbuktu, tony blair, U.N., u.s., usaid projects, wastes, weapons, work permits | Comments Off on Israel’s Insane Masochistic Complex