Tag Archives: palestinian and nazi flag

Moufletas Galore! Mimouna Celebrations Erupt Across Israel!

23 Nissan 5778 8 April 2018     Special Notice: There have been multiple attempts to hack into israelstreet today. We are still up and running, but apologize for any formatting errors below.   The Disgusting, Yet Revealing, Picture of the Day: … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged ashdod, burning the israeli flag, buttered pancake, cakes, candied carrots, confected fruit, cupcakes, dedicated, eating sweet food, end of the passover week, god, infertile, Israel, martyr, mimouna, molotovs, moufleta, north africa, palestinian and nazi flag, palestinian health ministry, powerful voting block, sephardic, speak for human rights while holding a Nazi flag, stars of the show, sweet eggplant, testicles, thank god, yaser murtaja, yusra | Comments Off on Moufletas Galore! Mimouna Celebrations Erupt Across Israel!