Tag Archives: peace negotiations

Concessions, Concessions, And More Concessions: Offer The Palestinians Your Little Finger, And They Will Take . . .

UPDATE 7 am Israel time Tuesday: Palestinian terrorists in Gaza fired five more rockets attempting to kill southern Israelis yesterday: in the early morningĀ one hit Sha’ar Hanegev; in the mid-morning one hit near Nahal Oz; in the evening two hit … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged abc news, Ahmadinejad, as usual, bodies, bomb shelters, bungled, concession after concession, concessions, criticism, dead terrorists, defy, depressed, did not respond, dodged, does not understand issues, does not understand palestinians, eat breakfast, elimination, failed, fatah party, five, focusing, for peace, Gaza, harping about, hillary clinton, homes, hospitals, IDF, import weapons, infantile, interview, iran, Israel, israelis, isreal, isrealis, Jerusalem, Jewish, jewish communities, Judea, kill, Mahmoud Abbas, make more concessions, middle east, misfired, missiles, mission, municipal elections, muted, Nahal Oz, negotiating table, never enough, northern gaza, not interested in peace, offer the palestinians your little finger, offer them your hand, onus on israel, out of bed, Palestinian, peace, peace negotiations, plo, poll numbers, President obama, prison visits, qassams, questions, raining down, refused to negotiate, relax restrictions, release prisoners, restart, rockets, Samaria, schools, sderot, secretary of state, security forces, settlements, shaar hanegev, southern, statehood, terrorists, they will try to take your whole arm, they will try to take your whole hand, to and from, u.s., unbelievable, united nations, united states, update, whirlwind visit, with family | Comments Off on Concessions, Concessions, And More Concessions: Offer The Palestinians Your Little Finger, And They Will Take . . .