Tag Archives: peace plan

The Two State Solution Is Dead

UPDATE 10 am Israel time Friday: Two mortars were fired into southern Israel by Palestinian terrorists in Gaza at 2 am this morning. You will recall a previous israelstreet blog this month about the outpouring of support for Israel in … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 145000000, 1937, 1947, 1964, 64 years, absurd notion, ancient history, arab palestine, arabs and islam, aspiration for peace, Barak, before iran completes the second stage, benny morris, bomb, coexistence, concessions, conditional freeze, creation, dead, delusion, demolished, dershowitz, destroy, detainees, Egypt, epic, ethnic cleansing, every inch, every offer, everyone is the same, exploded, extinguish the jewish national project, flood, formula, freedom, future, Gaza, goal, history, incitement, independence, inherit all of palestine, iran, Israel, Israeli, isreal, Jerusalem, Jew, Jewish, jewish congregation, jewish palestine, jordan, jordan river, judaism, Judea, Lebanon, liberate, lieberman, living together, Malmo, middle east, militias, mortars, nakba, Netanyahu, nuclear enrichment, oasis, occupy, occupying forces, olmert, orwellian, oslo accords, palestine, Palestinian, palestinian national movement, Palestinian state, peace, peace deal, peace plan, peacemakers, peel commission, prisons, rabin, racist, red line, refugees, rejected, religion, resolution 194, Samaria, second, settlers, southern, state of israel, steadfast, steal from Jews, stockholm, Sweden, Syria, terrorists, two peoples, two state solution, two state solution is dead, united nations, west, west bank, western idea, zionists | Comments Off on The Two State Solution Is Dead