Tag Archives: politician

Nasrallah’s Glass House, Falk’s Third Intifada, Shamala’s Energy Crisis, and Dempsey’s Rational Actor

UPDATE: Four Palestinian terrorist rockets fired out of Islamist Hamas Gaza at southern Israel yesterday. The Israel Air Force, as usual, hits empty “weapons factories.” TODAY’S BLOG: Yesterday was another fascinating day in the Middle East with a whole host … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged accuse, addameer, administration, adnan, aharamonline, ambush, american, ariel, assad, assistance, authorities, babe in the woods, beachball, benny gantz, center for, chairman, charges, charity, christian, condemn, consternation, constitute, criticize, dempsey, destabilize, diesel oil, dire, do nothing, drop in the ocean, egyptian, egyptians, erupt, falk, february 19 1994, feiglin, freezing, fuel, Gaza, geagea, glass house, hamas, Hassan, Hezbollah, highway, holocaust, human, human rights, humous, humus, hunger strike, iaf, iran, iranian, islamic, islamist, Israel, israel air force, isreal, jail, Jerusalem, jihad, joint chiefs of staff, khader, khalil, Lebanese, Lebanon, Mahmoud Abbas, martin, martyr, massacres, moshe, Nasrallah, Netanyahu, news, newspaper, ngos, not decided, nuclear, nuclear weapon, Obama, ocean of war crimes, oil, organization, Orwell, orwellian, palestine, Palestinian, pending, politician, power station, prison, rapporteur, region, remarkable, richard, rights, samir, shamala, shortage, shot to death, sister teresa, smuggling, special, statehood, survivors, Syria, tell it like it is, temple mount, territories, terrorist, the daily star, the last person, this date in israeli history, throw stones, tooth and nail, trans samaria, transfer, tsipora, tunnels, U.N., u.s., united nations, united states, utter, war and peace, war crimes, weapons factories, western, zipora, zippora sasson | Comments Off on Nasrallah’s Glass House, Falk’s Third Intifada, Shamala’s Energy Crisis, and Dempsey’s Rational Actor