Tag Archives: population

A Day of Solidarity with the People of Sderot

UPDATE 8:30 am Israel time Friday: More Palestinian terrorist rockets struck southern Israel last night from early in the evening in the Eshkol region to early this morning in Sha’ar Hanegev. There is no way to calculate the emotional trauma … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 15 seconds, 1950 armistice line, 30 seconds, 45 seconds, 840 meters, ashdod, ashkelon, attacks, bayt hanun, bereykha junction, bomb shelter, cells, centers, coastal highway, drive, eilat, elementary schools, emotional trauma, eshkol region, gadera, Gaza, good luck, high schools, Israel, isreal, jibaliya, killed, mediterranean sea, mental health, missiles, mortars, netivot, Ofakim, once a year, one minute, outrageous, Palestinian, population, prisoners, ptsd, residents, rocket attacks, sderot, shaar hanegev, solidarity, southern israel, students, warning time, yavne | Comments Off on A Day of Solidarity with the People of Sderot