Tag Archives: possible

Is Peace With The Palestinians Really Possible?

UPDATE: 5 more Qassam rockets have struck the citizens of southern Israel in the last 24 hours. TODAY’S BLOG Your humble servant was struck by the following headline in Yediot Aharonot (newspaper) this morning: “Peres: It’s still possible to make … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 24 hours, accords, aharonot, Barak, begin, blind, delegitimize, doubts, elimination of israel, find solutions, forgetfulness, Greek, haifa, Israel, isreal, january, Jerusalem, keys, kibbutz, legacy, loss of life, moshav, negotiations, new round, old age, olmert, oslo, Palestinians, patriarch, peace, peres, plo, possible, protect, qassam, rabin, reality, really, refugees, rockets, southern, stoned, suicide bomb, tel aviv, war, yasser arafat, yediot | Comments Off on Is Peace With The Palestinians Really Possible?