Tag Archives: pro-israel

Should Israeli Taxpayer Money Fund Reform Rabbis In Israel?

UPDATE 2 pm Israel time Monday: There has been intense action on the border with Gaza this morning and further activity within Gaza this afternoon. In the morning an Israeli-Arab civilian contractor, 36 year old Said Phashpashe from Haifa, helping to … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 1972, abetted, action, agree, ashdod, ashkelon, assimilation, attorney general, border, brigade, chief rabbi, civilian, conservative, contractor, core values, criticism, democracy, democratic, depleting, director, easily, eating into, embrace, erred, eshkol regional council, explosions, fire, follow conscience, foundations, free, fund, Gaza, german, gilad kariv, golani, government, greatest danger, haifa, hamas, haphazardly, high terrorist alert, humble servant, iaf, IDF, incite, inclusive, internalize, islamic jihad, Israeli, israeli athletes, israeli government, israeli-arab, isreal, J Street, jeopardized, killed, kol berama, membership dues, misses the point, missile, money, munich massacre, neo nazis, Netanyahu, non-jews, northern, not be usedisrael, organizations, Palestinian, path, principles, pro-israel, qassam, rabbis, radio, recognize, reform, reform and conservative, reform judaism, reform movement, reform synagogues, rocket, said phashpashe, scathing, sderot, shlomo amar, sinai, strike, subsidize, taxpayer, terrible phenomenon, terrorists, torah, undermine, uproot, wounded | Comments Off on Should Israeli Taxpayer Money Fund Reform Rabbis In Israel?