Tag Archives: promote

The Apple of Israel’s Eye

UPDATE: Terrorist attempts to infiltrate the Karni Crossing and is captured. Palestinian Hamas rocket strikes northern Negev. TODAY’S BLOG When you stop and think about it, dear reader, it  is extremely odd that Apple has never acquired a start-up company … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 1974, africa, against israel, android, anobit, apple, arab, atomic bomb, browser, capture, cellular, chipsets, chrome, colleges, communication, company, components, cost, criticisms, crossing, da vince, december 14 2001, design, developers, development, disaster area, double, dsp, entrepreneurs, eye, fab center, fherzliya, flash drive, future, games, globes, glove, google israel, gps, haifa, hamas, haredi, high-tech, incubator, infiltrate, intel, ipad, iphone, iranian, islam, islamic, islamist, Jerusalem, karni, kinect, lab, last supper, macbook air, macbooks, medicine, memory volume, microsoft, mobile, negev, open code, parachute, paradroid, petah tikva, platforms, pointgrab, pre-seed, president, promote, qiryat gat, rafsanjani, rocket, sign language, software, start up, strike, technology, tel aviv, terrorist, text, threats, thrive, ultra orthodox, universities, wafer, workers, xtendi, yakum | Comments Off on The Apple of Israel’s Eye