Tag Archives: proper

The Palestinians: Working Harder Than Ever For ‘Peace’

UPDATE: The IDF admits that its ability to attack terrorists has been compromised by Hamas’ acquisition of anti-tank missiles–an acquisition that continues unabated. Three more Palestinian Qassams struck southern Israel last night. TODAY’S BLOG The absurd push to negotiate ‘peace’ … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 100% increase, 24 hours, absurd, achdut, arab, arson, attempted kidnappings, avodah, clinics, construction, court, criminal, december, diplomatic, european union, fourth geneva convention, full membership, general assembly, haaretz, Hague, hamas, hard, homes, human rights council, international, islamic, Israel, isreal, january 2 1968, Jerusalem, jordan, Judea, judicial, lawsuits, mapai, moderates, molotov cocktails, mortars, Netanyahu, one concession, operation cast lead, Palestinians, peace, phosphorous, plo, pressure, proper, quartet, rafi, rally, rockets, russia, Samaria, schools, shin bet, southern israel, stabbings, state department, Switzerland, terrorist attacks, UN, united nations, war crimes, west bank, working, world | Comments Off on The Palestinians: Working Harder Than Ever For ‘Peace’