Tag Archives: quote of the day

The “Freedom of Religion” Farce on the Temple Mount

Yom Shishee Friday 21 Nisan 5782 April 22 2022   The Photo of the Day The Pathetic Quote of the Day “The Biden Administration remains committed to re-opening the consulate in east Jerusalem. We continue to believe that can be an important way … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 21 nisan 5782, a license for Muslims, Al-Aqsa is calling you, al-Qassam Brigades are our army, attack Israeli soldiers and police, Beer Tuvia, biden administration, biden and harris ineptitude, Bullet after bullet, call a spade a spade, call for the destruction of Israel, cave of the patriarchs, christians, consulate, death for the sake of Allah, disaster in process, divide, east jerusalem, ethnic cleansing, ethnic cleansing of Jews, faltering, fire after fire, flower picking, foreign policy, freedom of religion, Freedom of religion for Muslims on the Temple Mount is not freedom of religion, freedom of worship, from the Old City of Jerusalem, Hamas is our movement, inflation, Jihad is our way, Judea, laughing stock, muslims, net gain in the number of Christians since 1948, our capital city, palestinian narrative, pathetic, protect the rights of all people to worship as they see fit, quote of the day, Samaria, support the palestinian people, temple mount, the Jordanian occupation, we are your people Sinwar, western wall | Comments Off on The “Freedom of Religion” Farce on the Temple Mount