Tag Archives: ramot

Breaking News: Four Hours To Go

24 Iyar 5779 29 May 2019     Breaking News: 1:00 am. The Knesset has voted to dissolve itself. All Netanyahu attempts at forming a Coalition have failed. A new election will take place on September 17. Breaking News: As of … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged barkan attack, Be'eri, dormitories, dragged through the mud, east talpiot, eastern jerusalem, election, felony, fires, fishing range, food, Israel, jewish neighborhoods, kamil abu rokoun, money, Nahal Oz, Netanyahu, palestinian terror, pisgat zeev, pizzas, plea deal, population, ramot, Sa'ad, sara netanyahu, september 17, shaar hanegev, supplying of ammunition, take out, tourists harass idf soldiers, weapons | Comments Off on Breaking News: Four Hours To Go