Tag Archives: red crescent

MADA Should Tell The International Red Cross To Peddle Its Anti-Semitism Elsewhere

UPDATES 9 am Friday, July 5 2013: *A short summary of Palestinian terrorism in the last 24 hours: Palestinian terrorists wounded a three year girl in the head with a “rock” thrown near the Dung Gate in the Old City … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged anti semitic history, anti-Semitism, azzun, beth el, castigated, dung gate, east jerusalem, eastern neighborhoods of jerusalem, eilat, elsewhere, Gaza, gush etzion, hamas, hebron, icrc, icrc president, international red cross, Jerusalem, Judea, lose affiliation, Mada, magen david adom, nauseating, occupation, old city, palestine, palestinian terrorism, peddle, peter maurer, privately subsidized, rachels tomb, red crescent, removed immediately, rockets, Samaria, sewage, sinai, smuggling tunnels, star of david, west bank | Comments Off on MADA Should Tell The International Red Cross To Peddle Its Anti-Semitism Elsewhere