Tag Archives: religion

Netanyahu and Livni Fight For Their “Right” To Give Away Jerusalem

UPDATES 10 am Israel time, Monday, October 21 2013: **There are more indications of a deteriorating situation in Lebanon with internecine combat between Shi’ite Hezbollah forces and the fighters of the Shi’ite Amal movement. This fighting comes as dead Hezbollah … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 66%, 80 knesset memebers, amal, avigdor lieberman, beit shemesh, birds of a feather, burning hashish, cede Israeli sovereignty over eastern Jerusalem, dead hezbollah fighters, deteriorating situation, divide jerusalem, elections, fate of jerusalem, fight, fighters, filed an objection, give away, gruesome, haredi, Hezbollah, horse race, in the hands of Israeli citizens, internecine, iranian, Israel, Israeli, isreal, Jerusalem, jerusalem post, Lebanon, livni, Livni Moves To Squash Bill Prohibiting Talks on Jerusalem, major of jerusalem, meretz, military leaders, ministerial legislative committee, moshe leon, Netanyahu, nir barkat, no talks, on board, Palestinian, poppy fields, pregnant women, ranted, religion, repulsive, right, russian, secular, shiite, subvert democratic process, syrian snipers, tel aviv, temple mount, temporarily freezes, three readings, tie her hands, tiny fraction, undivided jerusalem, united, united nations, united torah party, us congress, videos, working together, yaacov litzman | Comments Off on Netanyahu and Livni Fight For Their “Right” To Give Away Jerusalem