Tag Archives: republic

The Distinctive Reek of Pusillanimity Pervades The News

ALL TIMES ISRAEL TIME. UPDATE (6 pm) Tuesday: Today has seen the usual gamut of activities in Israel. There have been incidents of “rock” throwing in Judea and Samaria, and residents of Beersheva reported an incoming rocket siren this morning … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged Abbas, abusing, accomplices, aharonovitch, al-jazeera, arab, Barghouti, battles, beersheba, beersheva, beheading, benjamin, birmingham jail, boycott, bribery, broadcast, bureau, chief, coordination, cowards, criticize, daniel pearl, dinner, diplomatic, disk, economic, ehud, elected, fatah, fire, france, gala, gamut, Gaza, government, hamas, harass, incoming, internet, Israel, isreal, J Street, Jerusalem, jewish state, Judea, killings, king, launch, letter, license, life term, luther, mahmoud, martin, Marwan, merah, military wing, minister, mohammed, money, more rockets, murder, Netanyahu, news, nicolas, olmert, pander, paris, peace process, pervades, president, prison, public, public trust, pusillanimity, rare, reek, republic, resistance, respect, rock, rocket, safe, Samaria, Sarkozy, security, siren, snuff, southern israel, stall, take away, tanzim, tarrouche, throw, time, today, top, undesirable, update, usual, victims, video, viral, visit, wants peace, west bank, widespread, yitzhak, zied | Comments Off on The Distinctive Reek of Pusillanimity Pervades The News