Tag Archives: reserves

No Thanksgiving In Ashdod: The 7 Truths About Benjamin Netanyahu

NUMBER OF TERRORIST MISSILES THAT HAVE HIT SOUTHERN ISRAEL SINCE THE CEASEFIRE AGREED TO BY BENJAMIN NETANYAHU AT 9:00 PM ON NOVEMBER 21, 2002: 29 UPDATE 10 am Israel time Thursday: Our hearts go out this morning to the families … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 400 wounded, absurd, abused the trust, agreed, ashdod, awry, Barak, battery, beersheva, benjamin netanyahu, bibi, blather, breaking news ticker, buffer zone, cannot be trusted, cannot trust, ceasefire, celebrate, defend israel, defend their country, direct hits, disgusting, do not have the stomach for it, drop, efficiency, Egypt, eluding, emblazoned, every border, family, fired, five israelis, forgotten, friends, heaped, hevron, Hezbollah, hillary clinton, houses, iaf, IDF, intercepted, international community, iran, iron dome, israeli communities, its days are numbered, judea and samaria, khaled meshaal, killed, large dinner, lieberman, loser, making excuses, meticulous records, military technology, miluim, misreportage, missiles, Muslim Brotherhood, nablus, november 22 2012, nuclear program, numbers, numerous strikes, peace, planting ieds, powerful army, president morsi, President obama, prime minister of israel, radar, reserves, resolve, security, security installations, shechem, shot down, sidelines, sold out, sophisticated, started a fire, striking image, Syria, terrorist, thanksgiving, the continued harming, third intifada, total missiles, turned around, vulnerable, we do not intend to allow, what happened, whimpering | Comments Off on No Thanksgiving In Ashdod: The 7 Truths About Benjamin Netanyahu