Tag Archives: restaurant

Drawing A Line In The Sand: The Secular-Orthodox Beach War In Ashdod

UPDATE 10 am Israel time Monday: It was just another “quiet” Sunday in southern Israel yesterday with four more mortars and three more missiles fired at the Israeli families who live near the Gaza border. And once again, there was … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 80 meters of the beach, anti aircraft batteries, ashdod, ashdod marina, ashdod municipality, beach war, bikinied, border, conservative, dangerous currents, descend, desire, egregiously, egyptian, eilat, ensure privacy, female lifeguard, forbidden, glatt kosher, groups, haredi, haredi women, heavy weapons, IDF, idi, illegal measure, immodest, iron dome, Israel, israel egypt peace treaty, israeli families, isreal, Jerusalem, jordan, kosher, line in the sand, literally, malls, missiles, mortars, no reponse, northeast, orthodox, osher ad, over, palpable, parking lot, peek at, protect haredi men, provocation, qassams, quiet sunday, rearm, religious coercion, restaurant, retaliation, rockets, sand berms, sarcasm, secular, separate, separate beach, sinai, southwest, supermarkets, swimming areas, swimming season, syrian ambassador, syrian army, terrorist, violated, violation, walled off, welcome to the new israel, yud aleph beach | Comments Off on Drawing A Line In The Sand: The Secular-Orthodox Beach War In Ashdod