Tag Archives: ride

If You Can’t Stand The Heat, Get Out Of The Kitchen

UPDATE: Israeli buses stoned again this morning by Palestinian terrorists on the same Hevron-Bethlehem routes as before. Buses damaged. No physical injuries. Obvious question: why don’t the police ride the buses and stop this terrorism? Stop, dear reader, and remember for … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged Abbas, absurd, abu, advisors, against, al-malki, avigdor, axelrod, benjamin, bethlehem, biden, bill, blessing, buses, Clinton, condoleeza, council, courts, crybaby, damage, deal, death, defense, down, east, emanuel, envoy, european, extremism, foreign, former, Gates, get out of the kitchen, get outmahmoud, haaretz, harry, heat, height, hevron, hillary, humble, hypocrisy, if you don't like the heat, incite, incitement, infantile, inflammatory, injuries, interests, international, Israel, Israeli, kitchen, liberation, lieberman, man, mazen, middle, minister, murder, nations, Netanyahu, new, newspaper, not reliable, Obama, obstacle, organization, palestine, Palestinian, peace, people, peres, plo, police, president, prevent, resign, resignation, rice, ride, riyad, sacrifice, secretary, security, serry, servant, shimon, stoned, terrorism, theater, threat, times, truman, turn, union, united, unquestionable, update, venue, violence, work, york | Comments Off on If You Can’t Stand The Heat, Get Out Of The Kitchen