Tag Archives: rock throwing

The Declining State of Israeli Education

“israelstreet is now read in 112 countries worldwide” UPDATE 6 am Israel time, Thursday, October 4 According to information released yesterday by Israel’s General Security Services, September saw an increasing amount of Palestinian terrorist violence in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria. … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged abroad, achievements, american, arab, arabic, bagrut exam, bedouins, bleak, border, burning tires, college, curriculum, debate, declining, domestic, drop out, druze, economic, education, educational attainment, educational institutions, english, fewer than half, gap, gss, gunfire, haredi, high school seniors, irrelevant reference groups, Israel, Israeli, isreal, issues, Jerusalem, jerusalem march, Judea, literary, mathematics, ministry of education, molotov cocktails, monetary means, orthodox, Palestinian, pass, presidential, public, rock throwing, Samaria, scientific, september, spiked roads, state, statistics, supporters, syrian, Turkish, ultra orthodox, university, violence | Comments Off on The Declining State of Israeli Education