Tag Archives: rock throwing

Allowing Iranian Uranium Enrichment Is Just “Part of the Game”

UPDATES 10 am Israel time, Thursday, October 3 2013: *A series of Palestinian terrorist “rock” throwing incidents in Judea and Samaria last night left some 20 Israelis physically wounded and uncounted others traumatized. Soldiers were attacked and wounded near the … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged access, as I understand it, at stake, be possible for them to, Being the leader of one of the leading nations of the world, Bilin, conduct enrichment, cyber warfare, day after day, denying, directed, drafting resolutions, dysfunctional, enrichment, general assembly, going nowhere, human rights committees, I believe that part of the game is that if the Iranians prove that whatever they are doing is peaceful, iaea, inspectors, International Academy of Spiritual Unity and Cooperation of Peoples of the World, international atomic energy agency, iranian, Israel, israelis, israels survival, isreal, it will, joke, Judea, linas linkevicius, mojtaba ahmadi, month after month, motorcycles, motorists, nobel, nomination, optimistic, palestinian terrorist, part of the game, pathetic, peace prize, qalandiya, rapporteur, remain, rock throwing, route 443, sad truth, Samaria, sick, soldiers, stalling, surreal, Syria, tehran, theater of the absurd, two shots to the heart, UNESCO, United Nations Disarmament and Security Committee, uranium, vladimir putin, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin makes efforts to maintain peace and tranquility not only on the territory of his own country but also actively promotes settlement of all conflicts arising on the planet, winner, world, wounded, year after year | Comments Off on Allowing Iranian Uranium Enrichment Is Just “Part of the Game”