Tag Archives: Santa Monica

To Gantz and Netanyahu: “If you don’t shut up, I’m going to pull over the car . . .”

SPECIAL NOTICE: Another month of exponential growth, and another ISRAELSTREET milestone is reached! With the addition of readers like you from Estonia, Serbia, Surinam, Papua New Guinea, Ghana, Botswana, Afghanistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Myanmar, and Zambia ISRAELSTREET IS NOW READ … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 100 countries, adults, afghanistan, Alamo, Albany, Anaheim, annihilate, Antioch, Arcadia, ashdod, Australia, beds, bell, benjamin netanyahu, benny gantz, Berkeley, Beverly Hills, bomb shelter, bosnia, Botswana, Burlingame, california, Campbell, Canada, Carmichael, Carson, Cerritos, channel 10, chemical weapons, chief of staff, Chino Hills, Claremont, code, commanders, Concord, concussive force, Corona, Cupertino, Cypress, Davis, defy logic, disagreeements, disputes, distinctive sound, do nothing, Escondido, Estonia, explosions, exponential growth, fine and good, Folsom, fremont, Fresno, gantz, Gaza, ghana, global and regional problem, golden state, Grass Valley, Hacienda Heights, Hawthorne, herzegovina, Hollister, IDF, in the dark, inflated egos, iran, iron dome, israelstreet, ive yet to reach a decision, jolted, judicious, Kissufim, Lincoln, Livermore, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Los Gatos, machinations, Malaysia, message, milestone, military, military induction center, Modesto, Moreno Valley, mortar, Mountain View, Mt. Meadows, myanmar, Napa, Newport Beach, no reports, not in favor, nuclear weapons, Oakland, Olivehurst, ominous, orange, Pacific Palisades, Paicines, palestinian terrorists, pants, Papua New Guinea, political echelon, pulled over the car, Rancho Cordova, Rancho Cucamonga, rash, Redwood City, Richmond Hill, rifle fire, rock throwing, rocket fire, sacramento, Samaria, San Carlos, San Diego, San Francisco, San Gabriel, San Jose, San Ramon, Santa Ana, Santa Maria, Santa Monica, Santa Rosa, sderot, Serbia, shipputsnik, shoot down, shut up, south, Stanford, Stockton, strike, Sunnyvale, Surinam, Syria, tal hashomer, talking less, Temple City, Torrance, tv news, Victorville, West Sacramento, Woodland, wounded, yizhar junction, Zambia | Comments Off on To Gantz and Netanyahu: “If you don’t shut up, I’m going to pull over the car . . .”