Tag Archives: saudi

What Can Be Done About Gaza?

NUMBER OF DAYS UNTIL THE ISRAELI ELECTION: 27 ISRAELSTREET endorses NAFTALI BENNETT for Prime Minister Head of “HaBayit HaYehudi” (The Jewish Home) political party UPDATES 5 pm Israel time Monday: * According to the Egyptians, 17 missiles headed for Hamas in Gaza … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 57 kilometer tunnel, abominable, about, al arabiya, annex gaza, benjamin netanyahu, bomb shelters, breached the fence, buffer zone, ceasefire, citizenship, danger, developed, done, drip, egyptians, ehud barak, far fetched, Gaza, gaza border fence, geographical, get rid of the threat, hamas, headed, ibrahim al majari, infiltration, intercepted, isolate, Judea, Kissufim, lieberman, militias, missiles, mistake, mob attacks, open area, open its borders, Palestinian, pursued, ramallah, red sirens, replay, rocket fire, sadat, Samaria, saudi, sinai, terms, terrorist regime, tsava adom, two lands, vice versa, what | Comments Off on What Can Be Done About Gaza?