Tag Archives: second lebanon war

The IDF General Staff: A Continuing Embarrassment to the Nation of Israel

UPDATE 9 am Israel time Saturday: Yesterday and last night saw a variety of significant Palestinian terrorist incidents that were reported in the israelstreet breaking news ticker in the right hand column. Once again, southern Israelis had a day in … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 674, abducted, accident, al qassam brigades, alert, amos harel, ashkenazi, aviv kochavi, bemoans, benny gantz, bleak summer, bomb shelter, border, breaking news, breaks out, calculate, cannon fodder, chico, chief of staff, children, combat generals, commander, continual bombardment, dan halutz, denied, division 162, does not bode well, egyptian, ehud barak, ehud goldwasser, ehud olmert, eldad regev, embarrassment, emotional impact, erez zuckerman, eshkol, eyal eisenberg, failed, fence, gal hirsch, Gaza, gaza and israel, gaza division, general staff, Gilad Shalit, guy tzur, haaretz, hamas, heart, heightened, heroically, home front command, how in the world, IDF, idf operations directorate, idiotically, implications, impossible, in a nutshell, inability to act, incidents, ins hanit, Israel, israels security, israelstreet, isreal, izz ad-Din, january 20, july 12 2006, justified, killed, lack of ability to lead, lebanon division, lo and behold, major general, media, military intelligence, missiles, moshav amikam, moshe tamir, Muslim Brotherhood, naval intelligence, Netanyahu, newspaper, next war, northern, one million, Palestinian, palestinian terrorist rockets and mortars, passive reactive, passivity, people, play it safe, politically correct, post traumatic stress syndrome, proactive, qassam, qassam children, rafah, ram rothberg, region, reports, reprimanded, reserve unit, resigned, response, responsibility, revisionism, rockets, sderot media center, sderotmedia.org.il, second lebanon war, shouldered, sinai, southern, southern lebanon, stick their heads in the sand, strengthened, terrorist, update, wadi saluki, western sector, yoav gallant | Comments Off on The IDF General Staff: A Continuing Embarrassment to the Nation of Israel