Tag Archives: secretary

The Absolute Insanity Of An Israeli Strike Against Iran

UPDATE 9:15 pm: Impending rocket sirens sounding in south Ashkelon region at this moment. UPDATE 8:00 am: The Islamic terrorist missile drizzle began anew yesterday with 2 “unofficial” Grad rockets hitting Beersheva and at least 4 mortars fired along the … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 1948, aircraft, anti, army, ashkelon, attack, Barak, beersheba, beersheva, bunkers, capture, charter, concession, destroy, egyptian, ehud, eliminate, escort, exist, facilities, fatah, fence, Flotilla, forces, foreign, Gaza, Gibraltar, grad, Hague, hamas, hardened, history, how, iaf, IDF, insane, iran, islamic, Israel, Israeli, issues, Italy, kingdom, london, mediterranean, message, mile, mortar, navy, Netanyahu, never, november 4, nuclear, Palestinians, peace, process, recognize, reports, right, rocket, secretary, silo, states, strike, territorial, terrorist, text, thursday, Turkish, U.K., u.s., underground, united, vessel, weapons, william | Comments Off on The Absolute Insanity Of An Israeli Strike Against Iran