Tag Archives: security coordination

“Made In Israel”

Thursday, Yom Chameshi 3 KislevĀ 5781 November 19, 2020   The Nauseatingly Verbose Quote of the Day “In recent weeks I have devoted much effort to resuming security coordination with the Palestinians. Yesterday after six months of disengagement, the coordinator of … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged a better future in the Middle East, benny gantz, biden, boycott, businesses in Judea and Samaria, critical condition, daily corona update, israeli products, oslo, plo, pompeo, Psagot, savor an excellent Judean or Samarian wine, secretary of state, security coordination, short lived, six months of disengagement, terror, the abominable European Union, the common interest, the interests of the Palestinian residents, the news on the israeli street, the Palestinian economy. return to the negotiating table, Three little words that are huge words, ventilators, verbose, wine | Comments Off on “Made In Israel”