Tag Archives: self-righteous

Pompous, Self-Righteous, Hypocritical Norway: The 2011 Amnesty International Report

UPDATE: IDF arrests 4 wanted Palestinians in Judea and Samaria overnight. Heavy IAF activity in the air over Ashdod. TODAY’S BLOG Yesterday we witnessed the unmitigated gall of Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere using the vocabulary of torture to … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 2011, abd al-karim, against, amnesty, asylum, bogarting, bosnia, camp, cast lead, citizen, code, constitutional, convention against torture, conviction, court, covenant, crimes against humanity, criticize, croation, cultural, defense, deport, deprivation, detention, development, dretelj, drop of a hat, economic, europe, forces, foreign, freeze, funds, Gaza, heinrich, herzegovina, himmler, hussein, hypocritical, incommunicado, international, islamic, Israel, jerusalem post, jews, jonas stoere, justice, knew, kurd, legal, liberty, literature, low, massacre, medal, migrants, minister, mirsad, national, naturalized, nazi, no one, nonsense, norway, norwegian, november 25 1942, operation, palestine post, Palestinian, penal, physical, polish, pompous, prosecution, rape, rate, refugees, repak, report, rights, seek, self-righteous, social, statistics, sympathizer, syrian, terrorist, torture, UNESCO, unhcr, violence, violent, vocabulary, war crimes, waterboard, women, world war II | Comments Off on Pompous, Self-Righteous, Hypocritical Norway: The 2011 Amnesty International Report