Tag Archives: separation fence

The Grand Delusion Of The Israeli Left: Present The Palestinians With Plans And Let Them Respond

UPDATE (5:00 pm Monday): At this hour, Benzion Netanyahu, the 102 year old father of PM Benjamin Netanyahu is being buried in Jerusalem. TODAY’S BLOG: Ehud Olmert has been having quite the time of it lately. Suddenly perceived as an … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 64 years, achievements, activity, amusing, anyone's guess, authority, benzion, bomber, charges, children, come to senses, community, concession, culprits, delusion, desert, east, eastern, ehud, elder spokesman, except himself, failures, farmers, fence, flit about, fraud, gallavant, grand, hamas, hamlets, homes, hospitals, impossible to fathom, in harmony, Israel, isreal, Jerusalem, Jewish, Judea, kumbaya, lack of commitment, left, let them respond, live, make peace, men, middle, middle east, ministers, Netanyahu, new york, not doing enough, obstacle, offers, olmert, olmert's world, outpost, Palestinans, palestine liberation organization, peace, plans, plo, present, prevention, refugee camps, rejected, right-wing, sabotage, sadly, sahara, Samaria, schools, sell, separation fence, settlement, settlers, solicited, suffice it to say, suicide, the jerusalem post conference, villagers, villages, wall, waterfront property, west bank, women | Comments Off on The Grand Delusion Of The Israeli Left: Present The Palestinians With Plans And Let Them Respond